The history of CWS, Headquartered in the United States, has begun when LARA supplies were sent to Japan as relief activity after the end of World War II. CWS Japan Committee opened their office in Tokyo in 1946 and was engaged in distribution of LARA supplies until 1952. Since then, CWS Japan Committee changed the name to Church World Services and continued their support activities through CAC supplies provision until 1963. The experience led to establishment of Japan Church World Service in 1958 and continuously promotes support activities for people with disabilities today. In 2011, in order to respond with emergency relief after the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, the office as CWS was re-opened in Tokyo and CWS Japan was founded.
About CWS Japan
Making difference for the next generation CWS Japan’s activities

To provide timely assistance for people affected by crysis.

To maximize the outcome, we develop people’s knowledge and expertise on humanitarian assistance.

To better prepare for future, we share our experiences and lessons learned to be reflected and applied in policy development.
CWS Japan Projects
CWS Japan activities by category
Coordinate and collaborate
with other organizations
We coordinate and collaborate with other organizations to secure the efficient and effective aid assistance focusing on needs of affected residents when disaster strikes.

Food, Clothing and Shelter, Health care,
Water and Sanitation
In emergency response it is important to continuously distribute food, clothing and shelter. Improving water supply and sanitation is also priority. We focus on the needs of the affected residents and support the community initiatives.

Support to Women and Children
We prioritize issues faced by the vulnerable and support community initiatives. We support long term projects for radiation impacting on children.

Mental Care and Strengthening Commun
We support mental care for both the affected people and people working in the disaster relief, and support communy initiatives.

Capacity Development and Advocacy for Assistance
We facilitate capacity development and collaboration among partners. We help their planning for organization management by utilizing their experiences from a long-term perspective, and provide trainings for emergency relief. We also promote networking domestic and international discussions on radiation.

Promoting Quality and Accountability
We plan and provide trainings on “Quality and Accountability” in collaboration with NGOs in Japan

Disaster Preparedness
We work on solutions to issues in disaster preparedness with NGOs all over the world on a long-term basis. We also participate in international conferences on humanitarian assistance to facilitate policy debates at home and overseas.

Protection from Radiation
From a long term perspective, we support discussions and activities on radioprotection in order to challenge to the fundamental issues.

Promotion of Innovation
We promote activities creating innovative solutions beyond sectors in social and humanitarian issues today.

Global Network of CWS Japan
ACT Alliance
Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network
World Humanitarian Summit
Core Humanitarian Standard
Japan Quality and Accountability Network (JQAN)
Japan CSO Coalition for Disaster Risk Reduction (JCC-DRR)
Japan Eccumenical Taskforce for Saigai(JETS)
Japan Platform (JPF)
Room 25, Japan Christian Center
2-3-18 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 169-0051 Japan
Tel: +81-3-6457-6840