Sari Mutia Timur |Director, YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU)
1. How did you first get in contact with ATIH?
The first contact with ATIH was in 2017 for The Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF) (supported by ELRHA) on climate adaptive farming project in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. At that time we communicated with Takeshi (General Secretary, CWS Japan) and Ikue (Innovation Consultant, CWS Japan) as ADRRN innovation hub colleagues. The communication continues since then and for the current project that was started in 2020 for the innovation project in Indonesia and strategic development.
2. What do you enjoy most while working with ATIH?
Supportive partnership environment, in which ATIH provides good communication and coordination, for example we can discuss any obstacles and challenges conveniently, even in difficult situations such as when we have to deal with budget adjustment. ATIH conducts regular coordination meetings and assists us during implementation. As YEU is new in the innovation field, ATIH is also a coach for YEU, not only in exchanging ideas, but also linking us with other relevant networks.
3. What do you (YEU) value most in promoting humanitarian innovation?
Promote innovation in the project while ensuring inclusive response in every stage of the project cycle (assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring, review and evaluation), and ensuring that the most vulnerable groups benefit from the innovation. We appreciate the environment of growing and learning for more inclusive disaster management, in which together we practice adaptive learning, inclusive processes, and highlight locally-led innovation.
ADRRN Tokyo Innovation Hub(ATIH)は、Asia Disaster Reduction and Response Network(ADRRN)の新たな機能として2017年に設立されたもので、メンバーであるNGOの革新的な活動を促進し、そのイノベーションを制度化することで、ネットワーク内の効率と効果を飛躍的に向上させることを目的としています。The Humanitarian Innovation Fund(HIF)とのパートナーシップにより、NGOがイノベーションを促進するためのサービスを提供しています。CWS Japanは、アジアのネットワークであるADRRNの理事メンバーとして、またATIHの主要団体として活動しています。