05 10月, 2021
  • Cause in

Mayfourth D. Luneta |Deputy Executive Director, Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP)

1. How did you first get in contact with ATIH?

Happy Anniversary CWS Japan! Congratulations our dearest partner for your 1st Decade. You truly made the decade count specially through the ATIH(※). Thank you very much Takeshi San (General Secretary, CWS Japan) and Ikue San (Innovation Consultant, CWS Japan) for being our mentors on humanitarian and DRR innovations!
CWS Japan/ATIH have touched the lives of the communities by encouraging the DRR and humanitarian actors to do their innovations.
I first knew about ATIH when I joined the ADRRN EXECOM in 2018. I was both curious and excited to know about ATIH, then I had a deeper understanding on DRR innovations when ATIH, ADRRN and ELRHA decided to do a National Call for DRR innovations proposals on Earthquakes in the Philippines. This is an innovation from the usual call of proposals. This supports localization of DRR innovation. CDP then, started to dream on mainstreaming DRR innovations in the Philippines.

2. What do you enjoy most while working with ATIH?

I enjoy the partnership and friendship built throughout the years while creating the culture of innovations both in the region and in our country. Because through this partnership we become catalyst of creative solutions in DRR.

3. What do you (CDP) value most in promoting humanitarian innovation?

In promoting humanitarian/DRR innovative solutions, we do not just create solutions but we are doing it creatively, efficiently and effectively. Thank you very much.

ADRRN Tokyo Innovation Hub(ATIH)は、Asia Disaster Reduction and Response Network(ADRRN)の新たな機能として2017年に設立されたもので、メンバーであるNGOの革新的な活動を促進し、そのイノベーションを制度化することで、ネットワーク内の効率と効果を飛躍的に向上させることを目的としています。The Humanitarian Innovation Fund(HIF)とのパートナーシップにより、NGOがイノベーションを促進するためのサービスを提供しています。CWS Japanは、アジアのネットワークであるADRRNの理事メンバーとして、またATIHの主要団体として活動しています。